
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
The Greatest Gift Exchange Ever
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8; Matthew 8:17; Luke 2:13-14
We all have Christmas traditions—those special rituals we look forward to each year. For some, it’s enjoying a beloved dessert that mom or grandma always makes, or perhaps opening one gift on Christmas Eve. But the tradition most families share is exchanging gifts. We make our lists, shop, wrap, and eagerly anticipate giving that special gift to someone we love. But have you ever wondered why we do this? Gift-giving isn’t just a tradition; it’s rooted in the story of Jesus. The Christmas story itself is the greatest gift exchange ever!
The Greatest Gift Exchange Ever
His gift...
1. A gift of love
2. Offered to everyone!
3. Paid in full
Illustration #1: Christmas tree and gifts under the tree
Illustration #2: Christmas tree and gifts opened
Illustration #3a: Logan and the robe/drill story
Illustration #3b: Logan and the robe/drill story
Illustration #3c: Logan and the robe/drill story
Illustration #3d: Logan and the robe/drill story
Illustration #3e: Logan and the robe/drill story
Illustration #3f: Logan and the robe/drill story
Illustration #3g: Logan and the robe/drill story

Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise (We praise)
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Luke 2:13-14; Psalms 18:1-3; 32:11; 33:3; 44:8; 47:1; 63:4; 68:3-4; 98:4-6; 141:2; 150:1-6; Ecclesiastes 3:4; 2 Kings 11:12; Lamentations 3:41
When the angels gave the news to the shepherds that Jesus was born, the skies erupted with a heavenly host praising God! We can't even imagine what this was like, but we know it was awesome. We were created to praise God, but what does this mean? The book of Psalms not only teaches us what praise is, but it teaches us in detail, how to praise the Lord!
Series description:
Here is an honest question: How do we worship God?We talk about worship all the time, but do we really know how to worship? Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about worship is to sing. This is definitely part of worship, but there is so much more! The book of Psalms is actually a book of worship. In some ways, it is a handbook on how to worship. Good thing, because we need help in this area. Throughout the book of Psalms, there is a word that is inserted quite frequently that helps us understand worship. This word is Selah! It means to pause, reflect, and praise! Let's take the next few weeks to learn how to pause, reflect, and praise our God!
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise
"We praise"
Illustration #1: Christ Statue (Rio, Brazil)
Illustration #2: Mom and baby clapping
Illustration #3a: People celebrating at a football game
Illustration #3b: People celebrating at a football game
Illustration #3c: People celebrating at a football game
Illustration #4: Natural response at a sporting event
Illustration #5: Lifting of hands in church

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Rejoice: Christmas Meditations (Lesson 3 - The Testimony of Simeon)
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Luke 2:21-35 (Luke 2:1-35; Matthew 1:18-23; Isaiah 7:14; 53:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:16; Psalm 41:3; 68:19; Acts 1:8; Galatians 4:3-5; John 19:25-26)
Simeon's testimony resonates with a deep and sincere love for Jesus! His words reflect a peace that is only found through faith in God. They are a celebration of the salvation and hope that is available to everyone because of Jesus Christ!
These words challenge us to cherish Jesus above all else, to anchor our hope to Him, and to be people who are committed to sharing this unbelievable story of salvation and redemption with all people because that is who this story is for!!!
Series description:
The Christmas season present us with an opportunity to reflect on the character of God, and let truth we discover change us!
In this 3 lesson series, we will consider the reflective testimonies of three prominent characters in the Christmas story. Each one will offer to us a unique perspective on God’s working in the world, and what that means for each of us.
Ultimately we will be challenged to resist the consumerism and individualism that dominates our society during this time of year, and to instead humble ourselves, rest in the blessings of God, and commit to being ambassadors of hope, peace, and salvation to those around us
Rejoice: Christmas Meditations
Lesson 3: The Testimony of Simeon
I. The ContextA. the birth of JesusB. God working in Simeon’s lifeII. The ContentA. a cherishing of JesusB. a celebration of salvationIII. The ConclusionA. a reminder that God has a planB. a perspective on pain
Lesson 3 - Handout

Sunday Dec 15, 2024
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise (We sing - Part 2)
Sunday Dec 15, 2024
Sunday Dec 15, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 66:1-4 (Psalms 21:13; 30:12; 31:3; 40:3; 66:1-2 & 4; 100:5; 121:1-2; 145:4; Ephesians 4:29; 5:19; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:16; Exodus 15:1-2; Judges 5:1-2 & 12; Isaiah 42:10; Luke 1:46-48; Revelation 4:8; 5:9; 15:3)
Have you ever noticed how you can be having a bad day and then a song comes on that completely changes your mood? Have you noticed how impactful it is to be in a room where people are singing and praising God? Music holds power! Music and singing is not optional, it is a command! Why do we sing? What should we sing? Why does music affect us in such a big way? The Bible gives us the instruction of SELAH. We pause, reflect, and respond! What is another way that we praise and respond? We sing!
Series description:
Here is an honest question: How do we worship God?We talk about worship all the time, but do we really know how to worship? Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about worship is to sing. This is definitely part of worship, but there is so much more! The book of Psalms is actually a book of worship. In some ways, it is a handbook on how to worship. Good thing, because we need help in this area. Throughout the book of Psalms, there is a word that is inserted quite frequently that helps us understand worship. This word is Selah! It means to pause, reflect, and praise! Let's take the next few weeks to learn how to pause, reflect, and praise our God!
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise
"We sing"
Part 2
II. What we sing
A. we sing to God (Psalms)
B. we sing about God (Hymns)
C. we sing to stir our hearts (Spiritual songs)
III. Who should sing

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Rejoice: Christmas Meditations (Lesson 2 - The Testimony of Zacharias)
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Luke 1:67-79 (Luke 1:5-23 & 57-79; Jeremiah 33:1-3; Malachi 4:5-6; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 41:3; 68:19; 2 Timothy 1:8-12; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Peter 1:3-5 & 13-16; John 1:29; Titus 3:5-7; Matthew 5:9)
Zacharias’s testimony is a powerful declaration of God’s enduring love and mercy. It is a song of salvation, forgiveness, and redemption—a reminder of a God who sees the hurting, brings healing, and relentlessly pursues His people.
This testimony challenges us to trust God’s promises, embrace His calling, rest in His grace, and live as ‘peace people,’ sharing His love and light with the world.
Series description:
The Christmas season present us with an opportunity to reflect on the character of God, and let truth we discover change us!
In this 3 lesson series, we will consider the reflective testimonies of three prominent characters in the Christmas story. Each one will offer to us a unique perspective on God’s working in the world, and what that means for each of us.
Ultimately we will be challenged to resist the consumerism and individualism that dominates our society during this time of year, and to instead humble ourselves, rest in the blessings of God, and commit to being ambassadors of hope, peace, and salvation to those around us
Rejoice: Christmas Meditations
Lesson 2: The Testimony of Zacharias
I. The ContextA. God working in the lives of Zacharias & ElisabethB. God teaching Zacharias to trustII. The ContentA. a recognition of God’s enduring loveB. a challenge to obedient livingC. an embrace of God’s callingIII. The ConclusionA. thanking God for His mercyB. celebrating the power of the Gospel
Lesson 2 - Handout

Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise (We sing - Part 1)
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 66:1-4 (Psalms 30:12; 66:1-2 & 4; 89:1; 96:2; 98:4-7; 108:1; 149:1; Job 38:4 & 7; John 4:23; Ephesians 5:19; 1 Corinthians 14:15)
Have you ever noticed how you can be having a bad day and then a song comes on that completely changes your mood? Have you noticed how impactful it is to be in a room where people are singing and praising God? Music holds power! Music and singing is not optional, it is a command! Why do we sing? What should we sing? Why does music affect us in such a big way? The Bible gives us the instruction of SELAH. We pause, reflect, and respond! What is another way that we praise and respond? We sing!
Series description:
Here is an honest question: How do we worship God?We talk about worship all the time, but do we really know how to worship? Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about worship is to sing. This is definitely part of worship, but there is so much more! The book of Psalms is actually a book of worship. In some ways, it is a handbook on how to worship. Good thing, because we need help in this area. Throughout the book of Psalms, there is a word that is inserted quite frequently that helps us understand worship. This word is Selah! It means to pause, reflect, and praise! Let's take the next few weeks to learn how to pause, reflect, and praise our God!
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise
"We sing"
Part 1
I. Why we sing
A. we were created to sing
B. singing connects and communicates our hearts to God
C. singing communicates and connects us
Illustration #1: Nature (gleaming beach sunrise)

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Rejoice: Christmas Meditations (Lesson 1 - The Testimony of Mary)
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Luke 1:46-55 (Luke 1:11 & 26-55; Hebrews 1:1; Psalm 36:5-10; 103:1; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Ecclesiastes 5:1-2; Lamentations 3:22-25; 2 Corinthians 4:15-18; James 1:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)
In this first study, we focus on Mary’s testimony; a powerful declaration of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and transformative work in her life and in the world. Through Mary’s song, we are reminded that God keeps His promises, works through ordinary people, and always accomplishes His purposes.
Mary’s words serve as a compelling call for us to embrace a life marked by gratitude, humility, and faith!
Series description:
The Christmas season present us with an opportunity to reflect on the character of God, and let truth we discover change us!
In this 3 lesson series, we will consider the reflective testimonies of three prominent characters in the Christmas story. Each one will offer to us a unique perspective on God’s working in the world, and what that means for each of us.
Ultimately we will be challenged to resist the consumerism and individualism that dominates our society during this time of year, and to instead humble ourselves, rest in the blessings of God, and commit to being ambassadors of hope, peace, and salvation to those around us
Rejoice: Christmas Meditations
Lesson 1: The Testimony of Mary
I. The ContextA. God’s work of revelation B. God’s working in Mary’s lifeC. God’s confirmation to MaryII. The ContentA. humble gratitude for God’s blessingB. acknowledgement of God’s authorityIII. The ConclusionA. rejoicing in God’s faithfulnessB. trusting in God’s promises
Lesson 1 - Handout

Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise (We worship)
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 95:1-6 (Psalms 18:3; 66:4; 95:1-6; Matthew 2:11; 4:8-10; 15:8-9; 26:13 & 39; Mark 5:6-7; John 4:20 & 23-24; 14:15; Romans 14:11; Revelation 4:11; Genesis 22:5; Hebrews 13:15)
Have you ever thought you understood something, then when you go to explain it, you get lost in your words. I believe this is true when it comes to worship? When you do a study of worship in the Bible, we discover that it is much different than we think. Our minds automatically think of singing, but most of the passages that explain worship have nothing to do with singing. So, what is worship? Let's do a word study through the Bible so we can truly become worshipers of our great God!
Series description:
Here is an honest question: How do we worship God?We talk about worship all the time, but do we really know how to worship? Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about worship is to sing. This is definitely part of worship, but there is so much more! The book of Psalms is actually a book of worship. In some ways, it is a handbook on how to worship. Good thing, because we need help in this area. Throughout the book of Psalms, there is a word that is inserted quite frequently that helps us understand worship. This word is Selah! It means to pause, reflect, and praise! Let's take the next few weeks to learn how to pause, reflect, and praise our God!
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise
"We worship"
What is worship?
I. Worship is submission and surrender to God.
II. Worship is expressing worth.
III. Worship is sacrifice.
Illustration #1: Someone bowing before a king.
Illustration #2a: Fans sitting in snow at a football game.
Illustration #2b: Jordan Liuzzo & friends with Cleveland Browns Quarterback at a game.
Illustration #3a: Modern engagement photo.
Illustration #3b: Modern engagement photo.
Illustration #3c: Modern engagement photo.
Illustration #4: Pastor Tony & Jenny Liuzzo's engagement photo from K-Mart.

Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise (We give thanks)
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 100 (Psalm 100:1-2 & 4-5)
Have you ever heard people say things like, "Let's bless the Lord?" How do we bless the Lord? We know what it means for the Lord to bless us. He gives to us, meets our needs, and steps into our lives, but how do we bless Him? Psalm 100 makes it so clear. He explains what we "give" to God to bless Him. We will not only study this on Sunday, we will put this into practice.
Series description:
Here is an honest question: How do we worship God?We talk about worship all the time, but do we really know how to worship? Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about worship is to sing. This is definitely part of worship, but there is so much more! The book of Psalms is actually a book of worship. In some ways, it is a handbook on how to worship. Good thing, because we need help in this area. Throughout the book of Psalms, there is a word that is inserted quite frequently that helps us understand worship. This word is Selah! It means to pause, reflect, and praise! Let's take the next few weeks to learn how to pause, reflect, and praise our God!
Selah (סֶלָה) — pause, reflect, praise
"We give thanks"
I. Acknowledge what He has done.
II. Express gratitude.
Illustration #1: Pastor Tony & Jenny Liuzzo at a Green Bay Packers vs. Chicago Bears game

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
STEADFAST: A Study in 2 Thessalonians (Lesson 2 - Steadfast Hope)
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - 2 Thessalonians 1 (2 Thessalonians 1:1-12; 2:1-3; Acts 16:19-27; James 1:3; Galatians 6:2; 2 Corinthians 4:4 & 6; Colossians 3:4; Revelation 19:11-14; 21:1-3)
When it comes to end times, we have questions! Lots of questions! So did this church Thessalonica. They knew a lot about the coming of the Lord, but they were confused. Paul explains what must happen before the Lord returns. Have these things already happened? Paul explains that we can have Steadfast Hope in what God has promised us!
STEADFAST: A Study in 2 ThessaloniansLesson 2: Steadfast Hope
I. Chapter 2
II. Chapter 3

Sunday Nov 17, 2024
Buy the Field: One Man’s Path to the Ultimate Find
Sunday Nov 17, 2024
Sunday Nov 17, 2024
Pastor Chris Andrews (Associate Pastor) - Matthew 13:44 (Matthew 5:44-45; 16:24-26; 13:44; John 3:16; 12:32; 16:8; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4; Revelation 3:20; Romans 8:1 & 28; 1 John 1:9; 4:7; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 12:9; Philippians 4:6-7, 13 & 19; Galatians 5:22-23; Hebrews 10:24-25; Mark 12:30-31; 16:15; Acts 4:12)
Jesus tells a story in Matthew that hits home about what really matters in life. Imagine this: a guy is just going about his day when he finds an amazing treasure hidden in a field. Realizing how valuable it is, he sells everything he owns to buy that field and claim the treasure for himself. Listen as we unpack this parable and let this help you to think about your own priorities. What are we really living for? Discover what it means to “Buy the Field!”
Buy the Field
One Man’s Path to the Ultimate Find
I. You are the person in the story.
II. You have come across the field.
III. You must decide whether or not you will buy the field.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
STEADFAST: A Study in 2 Thessalonians (Lesson 1 - Steadfast Faith)
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - 2 Thessalonians 1 (2 Thessalonians 1:1-12; 2:1-3; Acts 16:19-27; James 1:3; Galatians 6:2; 2 Corinthians 4:4 & 6; Colossians 3:4; Revelation 19:11-14; 21:1-3)
This new church at Thessalonica is now growing and thriving, but they have a lot of questions. This new church is like a lot of us. When it comes to subjects like the rapture and the coming of the Lord, they were confused. Paul writes this second letter to help them understand and find peace in the promises of the Lord's return. Their job till Jesus comes was simply to be Steadfast in the Lord!
STEADFAST: A Study in 2 ThessaloniansLesson 1: Steadfast Faith
I. Introduction
1. Salutation
2. Greetings
II. Encouragement in persecutions
A. Thankful for their spiritual growth
B. Encouragement in trials in view of the Lord's return
III. The Big question: Is this speaking of the Rapture or The Second Coming of Christ?
A. Things to ask and consider
--- 1. When will this happen?
--- 2. Who is with Jesus?
--- 3. What will happen at the end?
B. What the Second Coming will look like?
--- 1. punish the lost
--- 2. rejoice with the saved