Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Pastor Bryce Copeland (Student Pastor) - Matthew 23 (Matthew 5:37; 11:30; 22:37-40; 23:1-36; 1 Corinthians 10:12)
What is your opinion of Religious people?
You know, the ones who have the holier than thou mentality. The ones who have tons of rules, and love to tell you about all their rules. What do you think Jesus thinks of those people? In Matthew 23, Jesus calls out the hypocrisy of the religious scribes & pharisees. Jesus did not appreciate the fakes, the make-believers.
Learn how God wants you to have a relationship with Him, not be religious.
1. They lay oppressive burdens on others.
2. Image is everything.
3. They block the way to Heaven.
4. They steal from the vulnerable.
5. They build their kingdom.
6. They make false promises.
7. They major on the minors.
8. Inside and outside do not match.
9. They denounce the sins of the past but participate in present sins.
Wednesday May 11, 2022
The Burden of Holiness: The Book of Leviticus (Week 4)
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
John Sullivan (FBC Trustee + Deacon) - Leviticus 11-15 (Leviticus 11:1-47; 12:1-8; Acts 10:1-22; 1 Peter 1:13-16; Mark 7:18-23)
Every year, thousands of people set out to read the Bible in its entirety; every year, a large percentage stop when they get to Leviticus, a book that lays out in embarrassing detail the limits of God's law for the Israelites.
What can we learn from this strange book? Join us as we seek to understand its place in the larger narrative of the Bible, and learn how it speaks to us today.
The Burden of Holiness: The Book of Leviticus
Week 4
I. RecapA. “Be holy, as I am holy.”B. Holiness is weird.
II. The “Holiness” Rules for Purity-ImpurityA. Being Clean versus Committing SinB. 4 Major Categories of Cleanliness Law--- 1. Leviticus 11: Clean and Unclean Food--- 2. Leviticus 12: Childbirth--- 3. Leviticus 13-14: Skin Diseases & Molds--- 4. Leviticus 15: DischargesC. Purpose--- 1. Symbolic practices reminding Israel of God’s holy presence--- 2. God is the author of life. Things connected with death: bodies, skin disease, blood, bodily fluid — create symbolic impurity. --- 3. Being “impure” is not a sin.--- 4. But barging into God’s presence in a state of impurity is a negative act.
III. The Dietary LawsA. Classification of Animals--- 1. Beasts of the Field (11:3-8)--- 2. Fishes (11:9-12)--- 3. Birds (11:13-19)--- 4. Insects (11:20-23)--- 5. Four-Pawed Creatures (11:24-28)--- 6. Swarming Things (11:29-40)B. Why did the Dietary Laws exist?--- 1. Every meal sets the Israelites apart from their neighbors & emphasized God’s holiness.--- 2. Dietary reasonsC. Application in the New Testament--- 1. “Rise Peter” (Acts 10:9-16)--- 2. 1 Peter 1:13--- 3. The Final Word: Mark 7:18-23
Sunday May 08, 2022
Courageous Faith! Amazing God!
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Luke 1:29-38 (Luke 1:29-31 & 34-38; 2:35; Isaiah 9:6; 55:9)
The only way to truly face the challenges in life as a mother or as a Christian is with the help of God. It takes faith. Actually, it takes courageous faith! It is not just believing, but acting out on our faith. It requires us to know God so we can fully lean on Him and trust Him as we face the unexpected and the complicated issues of life.
We can live out courageous faith, because we serve an amazing God!
Courageous Faith! Amazing God!
As you face whatever comes your way...KNOW THIS:I. He is the God of the UNEXPECTED
II. He is the God of the IMPOSSIBLE
Sunday May 01, 2022
REAL LIFE: Real Hope for Real Life (Part 2 - Embracing Hope!)
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 13 (Psalm 13:1-6; 31:16; 1 Samuel 22:1-2; Hebrews 11:1)
How is life? No really, how are you doing? Sometimes life feels like it is falling apart. We get hit from every side and it wears us down.In Psalm 13, David got real with God. He expressed how he felt and how he was at his breaking point, but David did not stay in this state of mind. By the end of the chapter, David is singing and praising God. What is odd is that his circumstances were the same, but his perspective had changed.We don't have to stay down, depressed, and defeated. David went from being broken to experiencing a breakthrough. There is real hope for real life!
REAL LIFE: Real Hope for Real Life
Embracing Hope!
What do we do when life is falling apart?
I. Cry out to God
A. look unto me --- "consider me"
B. hear my request --- "hear me"
C. let me see hope --- "enlighten me"
II. Call to your mind God's faithfulness
III. Wait on God, because it's not over yet
Illustration #1: Pastor Tony, Logan & Jenny Liuzzo (left to right) right before surgery.
Illustration #2: Logan Liuzzo right after surgery.
Illustration #3: Worship & Prayer at Children's Hospital
Illustration #4: Prayer at FBC for Logan Liuzzo
Illustration #5: X Church praying over Logan Liuzzo
Illustration #6: Prayer & support from friends and family.
Illustration #7: Praying over Logan Liuzzo at Fellowship Baptist Church
Illustration #8: Hundreds of cards and support from all around the world.
Illustration #9: Support for Logan Liuzzo
Illustration #10: Scans of the cancer mass from July, August & September
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
The Burden of Holiness: The Book of Leviticus (Week 2)
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
John Sullivan (FBC Trustee + Deacon) - 1 Corinthians 3:16; Leviticus 1:1-9; 2:1-16; 3:1-5; 12; 4:1-33; 5:1-19; Hebrews 4:16; 9:1, 11-15, 21-23; 10:1-18
Every year, thousands of people set out to read the Bible in its entirety; every year, a large percentage stop when they get to Leviticus, a book that lays out in embarrassing detail the limits of God's law for the Israelites.
What can we learn from this strange book? Join us as we seek to understand its place in the larger narrative of the Bible, and learn how it speaks to us today.
The Burden of Holiness: The Book of Leviticus
Week 2
I. Introduction/RecapA. “Be holy, as I am holy”B. Holiness is differentC. Two basic divisions: holiness in worship versus daily livingD. “For Them” versus “For Us”
II. Holiness in Worship: the Great SacrificesA. Worship & Sacrifice in the Ancient World--- 1. Rituals Involving Idols--- 2. Sacrifice as “Magic” & ManipulationB. The Sacrifices & Sacrifices--- 1. The Sweet Savor Offerings------ a. “Whole Offering”------ b. Grain Offering------ c. Offering of “Well Being”--- 2. Purification Offering--- 3. Reparation Offering--- 4. Other Illustrations
III. ThemesA. The Supremacy of GodB. The Seriousness of SinC. The Grace of God
IV. Looking Forward: A Sacrifice for All Sin
Penitential Prayer to Every God
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
REAL LIFE: Real Hope for Real Life (Part 1 - Getting Real!)
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 13:1-3 (1 Samuel 18:5-9 & 29; 19:1; 20:1; 22:1-2; Psalm 10:1; 13:1-3; 145:18)
We love going to church and singing songs about God's power and presence in our life, but have you ever gone through a time when the song's lyrics don't match what you are going through? Have you gone through things in life and thought, "Where are you God?" If you haven't thought about things like this, you might be lying to yourself.David, in the Bible, was a man that loved God with all his heart, but in Psalm 13 he was getting real with God....he was questioning God. He was about to have a breakthrough in his situation, but he first had to be real with his emotions. If we want to experience real hope in our circumstances, then we must be real and honest. There is real hope for Real Life!
REAL LIFE: Real Hope for Real Life
Getting Real!
I. Getting Real
A. David felt abandoned by God
B. David felt powerless
C. David was battling with his thoughts
D. David was sick of losing
II. Real Hope
A. run to Jesus with your emotions
--- 1. He gets you
--- 2. He is for you
B. ask God to help you to see truth
C. wait, because God is not finished yet!
--- 1. help is on the way
--- 2. God is preparing you for a purpose
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
The Burden of Holiness: The Book of Leviticus (Week 1)
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
John Sullivan (FBC Trustee + Deacon) - Exodus 25:8-9; 34:29-35; 40: 34-38; Leviticus 10:1-3; Numbers 15:32-36; 2 Chronicles 5:13-14
Every year, thousands of people set out to read the Bible in its entirety; every year, a large percentage stop when they get to Leviticus, a book that lays out in embarrassing detail the limits of God's law for the Israelites.What can we learn from this strange book? Join us as we seek to understand its place in the larger narrative of the Bible, and learn how it speaks to us today.
The Burden of Holiness: The Book of Leviticus
Week 1
I. Introduction
A. Author
B. Date
C. "Priestly" v. "Holiness" sources
D. The Big Themes
--- 1. Be Holy, As I Am Holy
--- 2. Holiness Looks Weird
II. The Positioning of Leviticus
A. Moses and the Law
B. The Tabernacle and God's Moving In
III. Outline of Leviticus
A. The Five Offerings (1-7)
--- 1. Sweet Savor Offerings (1-3)
--- 2. Non-sweet Savor Offerings (4-5)
--- 3. Law of Offerings (6-7)
B. The Priests (8-10)
C. Holiness in Daily Life
D. Holy Days
E. Laws and Prophecies for the Promised Land
F. Dedication and Devotion
IV. Key Concepts
A. Sacred Space
B. Holiness on a local scale
V. What is Leviticus?
A. A Law Code
B. A Guide for Living
C. A Safety Manual
Illustration #1: Moses horned statue by Michelangelo
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Easter at Fellowship: Real Stories. Real Hope. (His Story is My Story)
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Romans 5:6, 8 & 12; 6:4 & 23; 10:9 & 13; James 1:15; John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:4; Hebrews 12:2; 2 Corinthians 5:17
Listen to real-life stories of people who have experienced for themselves a life-changing relationship with God through Jesus. We know these stories will speak to your soul and bring you renewed hope for the future.When we think of the Easter story, we are so moved by what Jesus did for us. The Easter story actually applies to us more than we think. The Bible says that Jesus became sin for us. This means that Jesus was our substitute or, we could say, His story is our story. Easter is the story of how Jesus came to take our place!
Easter at Fellowship
Real Stories. Real Hope.
His Story is My Story
I. The Sin
II. The Substitute
III. The Resurrection
Illustration #1: Peter Barker
Illustration #2: Liuzzo family (from left to right: Jordan, Tony, Jen, Morgan & Logan)
Illustration #3: Logan Liuzzo at Graduation
Illustration #4: Jesus on trial
Illustration #5: Jesus on the cross
Illustration #6: Jesus buried in a tomb
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
The Lamb of God
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 26:17-28 (Romans 6:23; Genesis 3:21; Exodus 12:13; Isaiah 53:6-7; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; Matthew 26:17-28; Revelation 5:6; 21:27)
Communion is such a special time for believers. It was Jesus that taught us the meaning and the practice of communion before He went to the cross. He met with the disciples for the purpose of celebrating the Passover, but then He introduces Himself as the Lamb of God. He was going to be the Passover lamb that would take away the sins of the world.
Communion is our time to remember that Jesus is the one that came to "take away the sins of the world." He is God's Lamb! He was the perfect and final sacrifice. He is our hope that changed our story for the glory of God.
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Seeking God: Answering questions about Prayer - Part 3
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 7:7 & 9-11; 8:8; 17:20; 19:26; 27:46; James 4:2; 5:16; Romans 8:28-29; 10:13-15 & 17; John 14:13-14; 15:7-8; Mark 11:23-24; 16:15; 2 Peter 3:9; Acts 9:5-6; 26:28; Psalm 76:6; 77:14; 145:18-19
When it comes to prayer, we all have questions.
What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
How important is fasting?
How do we develop a burden and passion to pray more?
What does it mean to pray through scriptures?
God desires for us to understand prayer. All of these questions, and more, can be answered in God's Word. This study will address the questions that lay heavy on our hearts when it comes to our prayer life.
The goal of this teaching series is to address and dig deep into the questions and confusion that we have with prayer. We know prayer is important, let's have an honest conversation on why we don't pray like we should.
Seeking God: Desiring a touch of God through prayer and fasting."Answering questions about prayer - Part 3"
XIII. Am I supposed to pray for what I want or just to be able to handle whatever He decides?XIV. How do you know when you have prayed in God's will? How long should you pray about someone or something? Pray without ceasing?1. we are instructed to pray and keep on praying2. sometimes God answers by giving us something different...something better (something good)3. pray until God says no
XV. Why does the Bible say,"Whatsover ye shall ask in my name, believing you have received it, it will be given unto you." If that does not happen, especially when it comes to healing?--- A. what does this actually mean?--- B. how do we properly apply this?1. will this glorify God?2. What is my motivation for asking for this?3. Are you asking in humility?
XVI. It is God's will that all come to repentance and none be lost - why do prayers go unanswered? What is freewill versus predestination?1. sometimes it falls on our lack of obedience to share the Gospel like we should.2. sometimes God reaches in to convict them and they resist
XVII. Jesus said that we will have tribulation in the world. So, why should we expect to get our of tribulation by prayer? If all goes well for us, how could we relate to the lost and those suffering or suffering loss?XVIII. How does prayer affect how God sees our situations? (Example: I am hurting...does my telling Him, enlighten Him?1. everyone will have difficulties, saved and lost, because of the cursed world2. we are instructed to seek God when we go through trials, tribulation, adn sickness.3. we bring God glory through our trials as we seek Him
XIX. Is praying scriptures or promises more beneficial when asking for something?1. Jesus did it2. it helps us line up our prayers with God's desires3. it brings glory to God4. it is how we claim God's promises5. it stirs up your heart and allows us to pray with confidence
Illustration #1-3: Prayer + Worship at Children's Hospital for Logan Liuzzo
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
REVIVE: Broken people seeking a faithful God — God’s plan for the revived.
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Ephesians 3 (Ephesians 2:5-10; 3:1-5 &14-21; 6:10-12; John 10:10; 1 Corinthians 15:58)
God has given us the instruction for us to seek Him through prayer and personal time with Him. For us to deny ourselves through fasting and for us to spend time with God through Bible reading and personal worship.
The question is, what is the point of all of this? God has us here for a reason. God has a plan for our families and for His church. It is an incredible and powerful plan that goes deeper than we could imagine. God has a great plan for His revived people! Are you ready for God's plan for the revived?
REVIVE: Broken people seeking a faithful GodGod's plan for the revived.
God's plan for His revived church (this is what God wants us to know)I. What God wants to do in youA. God desires to strengthen usB. God desires for us to be stableC. God desires for us to be satisfied
II. What God wants to do through youA. God desires TO DO great things through usB. God desires for us to desire moreC. God desires for our generation to bring Him glory
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Seeking God: Answering questions about Prayer - Part 2
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Acts 1:14; Psalms 133:1; Luke 11:1; James 5:13-14; Matthew 6:6 & 16; 26:41; 1 John 1:9; Galatians 5:17; Romans 7:18; 8:8
When it comes to prayer, we all have questions.
What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
How important is fasting?
How do we develop a burden and passion to pray more?
What does it mean to pray through scriptures?
God desires for us to understand prayer. All of these questions, and more, can be answered in God's Word. This study will address the questions that lay heavy on our hearts when it comes to our prayer life.
The goal of this teaching series is to address and dig deep into the questions and confusion that we have with prayer. We know prayer is important, let's have an honest conversation on why we don't pray like we should.
Seeking God: Desiring a touch of God through prayer and fasting."Answering questions about prayer - Part 2"
IX. With Jesus talking so much about private prayer, like go into your closet…is there a Biblical reference to "corporate" or public/group prayer?1. corporate prayer brings unity2. corporate prayer teaches others to pray3. corporate prayer ministers to those in need4. corporate prayer leads to corporate praise (it brings glory to God)
X. As a mature Christian who truly loves the Lord, why do I not have a strong, passionate desire to designate a time of prayer to God each and every day? I feel like I "talk" to Him all throughout the day, but I am having trouble disciplining myself to have a daily prayer time.keep these reasons in mind:1. we do this to set aside time with God2. we do this to set aside distractions3. we do this so we can be real and honest with God
XI. How important is fasting?keep in mind our flesh is:- corrupt- weak- at war with the Spirit1. fasting is resisting our flesh2. fasting is telling your flesh "NO"3. fasting is how we amplify our prayers4. fasting is part of the Christian life
Illustration #1: Corporately praying over Logan Liuzzo