Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 24 & John 3 (Matthew 5:28; 24:3 & 12; 28:20; Genesis 3:17; Romans 5:8; 8:22; Daniel 12:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Timothy 3:1 & 4; John 3:16-17)
Our world is changing around us at a rapid pace. We hear the words, “End Times” talked about now more than ever. The more important subject to address is our role and mission during these challenging and changing times.
God has a plan to reach the world and it all started with His great love and generosity. His generosity shocked the world! If we are going to make a difference, then we must learn to be like Christ and live THE GENEROUS LIFE!
The Generous Life :: Our Generous God
Matthew 24 & John 3
Biblical principles that explain end times:
Principle #1 - The world will decline from the curse
Principle #2 - Sin will multiply and spread
Principle #3 - The great falling away
Our Generous God