Sunday Feb 16, 2025
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James (Angry Birds — Don't blow up!)

Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - James 1:19-21; 4:7-10; 5:16; Numbers 12:9; Ephesians 4:26; Proverbs 14:16-17; 29:22; 31:28; 1 John 1:9; Galatians 5:16, 19-20 & 22-23; Psalms 141:3
Did you know that anger isn’t a sin? It’s a natural, human emotion we all experience. The issue isn’t getting angry—it’s when we blow up. When we lose our temper, we say things we regret and hurt those around us. James addresses this issue directly, pointing out the damage it can cause, but also offering hope for overcoming it. It’s okay to feel angry, but let’s learn how not to blow up!
Series description:
Who doesn’t enjoy playing board games? Many of us have fond memories of family game nights, filled with laughter, competition, and fun. At the heart of it, games are enjoyable because they often reflect real-life situations. We strive to win, get ahead, but like life, games come with ups, downs, setbacks, and challenges.
The book of James is full of practical wisdom for navigating everyday life. It addresses issues like trouble, conflict, the words we speak, anger, and how to live out our faith. In this study, we’ll use popular games as illustrations to explore the lessons James teaches. Come ready to take notes, follow along, and learn how to succeed in the game of life!