Sunday Nov 05, 2023
The End Times & Israel: What does the Bible say about what’s happening in our world?

Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 24:3 & 32-36; 25:13; Hebrews 11:9; Genesis 12:1-3; 17:6-8; Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:11-12; 66:8; John 4:22; 13:3; Romans 9:4-5; Revelation 5:4-5; 16:1; 20:12 & 15; Mark 13:2 & 37; Deuteronomy 28:63-66; 30:3; Ezekiel 34:11-13; 37:21; Amos 9:15; Zechariah 12:2-3; Psalms 121:4-5; Joel 2:31-32; 3:1-2; 2 Peter 3:9
Is this the end? The Bible has warned us that Jesus will return, but we don't know when. The Bible has given us some pretty clear signs of when He will return. We also know that Israel plays a big part in God's plan.
So the question that we are all asking, "Is what is happening in Israel a sign that we are nearing the end?"
The End Times & Israel
What does the Bible say about what's happening in our world?
Why does Israel matter?
I. God used Israel to give us Jesus.
II. God used Israel's people and land to fulfill prophecy.
What does this mean for us?
I. He will warn!
II. He will return!
III. He will judge!
A. judge the world
B. judge the unsaved

Illustration #1: Wailing Wall

Illustration #2: United Nations meeting to vote on Israel's Independence.

Illustration #3: United Nations vote to recognize Israel as its own country.

Illustration #4: Newspaper headline, "State of Israel is born" (May 14, 1948)

Illustration #5: Israel's flag (1948)

Illustration #6: Israel's flag

Illustration #7: Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel) & President Donald Trump (US President) where Jerusalem is formally recognized as the capital of Israel.

Illustration #8: Map of Arab Land vs. Israel

Illustration #9: News Headline - "Israel declares war."

Illustration #10: Protests and attacks on Israel.
Version: 20241125