Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - 1 John 5:14-15; Matthew 7:7; James 4:2; Philippians 4:6-7; Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Psalms 27:14; Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:26-28
Do you know what it means to pray according to the will of God? The Bible tells us to do this, but does this mean that we don't pray and ask for our hearts desires? Should we just pray, "Your will be done."
We should pray according to God's will, but this might not mean what you think. When you understand God's will, when it comes to prayer, it opens up the power of prayer in a big way.
The goal of this teaching series is to address and dig deep into the questions and confusion that we have with prayer. We know prayer is important, let's have an honest conversation on why we don't pray like we should.
Seeking God: Desiring a touch of God through prayer and fasting.
"What does it mean to pray for God's will?" - Part 2
II. What does it mean to pray for God's will?
Our prayers must line up "according to" His purpose
1. God's will is for you to ask
2. God's will is for you to ask for your heart's desire
3. God's will is to strengthen your faith through answered prayer
4. God's will is for us to trust Him even if He does not answer in the way we ask
Illustration #1: Pastor Tony Liuzzo's home gym remodel (before)
Illustration #2: Pastor Tony Liuzzo's home gym remodel (during)
Illustration #3: Pastor Tony Liuzzo's home gym remodel (after)