Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 7:7 & 9-11; 8:8; 17:20; 19:26; 27:46; James 4:2; 5:16; Romans 8:28-29; 10:13-15 & 17; John 14:13-14; 15:7-8; Mark 11:23-24; 16:15; 2 Peter 3:9; Acts 9:5-6; 26:28; Psalm 76:6; 77:14; 145:18-19
When it comes to prayer, we all have questions.
- What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
- How important is fasting?
- How do we develop a burden and passion to pray more?
- What does it mean to pray through scriptures?
God desires for us to understand prayer. All of these questions, and more, can be answered in God's Word. This study will address the questions that lay heavy on our hearts when it comes to our prayer life.
The goal of this teaching series is to address and dig deep into the questions and confusion that we have with prayer. We know prayer is important, let's have an honest conversation on why we don't pray like we should.
Seeking God: Desiring a touch of God through prayer and fasting.
"Answering questions about prayer - Part 3"
XIII. Am I supposed to pray for what I want or just to be able to handle whatever He decides?
XIV. How do you know when you have prayed in God's will? How long should you pray about someone or something? Pray without ceasing?
1. we are instructed to pray and keep on praying
2. sometimes God answers by giving us something different...something better (something good)
3. pray until God says no
XV. Why does the Bible say,"Whatsover ye shall ask in my name, believing you have received it, it will be given unto you." If that does not happen, especially when it comes to healing?
--- A. what does this actually mean?
--- B. how do we properly apply this?
1. will this glorify God?
2. What is my motivation for asking for this?
3. Are you asking in humility?
XVI. It is God's will that all come to repentance and none be lost - why do prayers go unanswered? What is freewill versus predestination?
1. sometimes it falls on our lack of obedience to share the Gospel like we should.
2. sometimes God reaches in to convict them and they resist
XVII. Jesus said that we will have tribulation in the world. So, why should we expect to get our of tribulation by prayer? If all goes well for us, how could we relate to the lost and those suffering or suffering loss?
XVIII. How does prayer affect how God sees our situations? (Example: I am hurting...does my telling Him, enlighten Him?
1. everyone will have difficulties, saved and lost, because of the cursed world
2. we are instructed to seek God when we go through trials, tribulation, adn sickness.
3. we bring God glory through our trials as we seek Him
XIX. Is praying scriptures or promises more beneficial when asking for something?
1. Jesus did it
2. it helps us line up our prayers with God's desires
3. it brings glory to God
4. it is how we claim God's promises
5. it stirs up your heart and allows us to pray with confidence
Illustration #1-3: Prayer + Worship at Children's Hospital for Logan Liuzzo