Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Acts 1:14; Psalms 133:1; Luke 11:1; James 5:13-14; Matthew 6:6 & 16; 26:41; 1 John 1:9; Galatians 5:17; Romans 7:18; 8:8
When it comes to prayer, we all have questions.
- What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
- How important is fasting?
- How do we develop a burden and passion to pray more?
- What does it mean to pray through scriptures?
God desires for us to understand prayer. All of these questions, and more, can be answered in God's Word. This study will address the questions that lay heavy on our hearts when it comes to our prayer life.
The goal of this teaching series is to address and dig deep into the questions and confusion that we have with prayer. We know prayer is important, let's have an honest conversation on why we don't pray like we should.
Seeking God: Desiring a touch of God through prayer and fasting.
"Answering questions about prayer - Part 2"
IX. With Jesus talking so much about private prayer, like go into your closet…is there a Biblical reference to "corporate" or public/group prayer?
1. corporate prayer brings unity
2. corporate prayer teaches others to pray
3. corporate prayer ministers to those in need
4. corporate prayer leads to corporate praise (it brings glory to God)
X. As a mature Christian who truly loves the Lord, why do I not have a strong, passionate desire to designate a time of prayer to God each and every day? I feel like I "talk" to Him all throughout the day, but I am having trouble disciplining myself to have a daily prayer time.
keep these reasons in mind:
1. we do this to set aside time with God
2. we do this to set aside distractions
3. we do this so we can be real and honest with God
XI. How important is fasting?
keep in mind our flesh is:
- corrupt
- weak
- at war with the Spirit
1. fasting is resisting our flesh
2. fasting is telling your flesh "NO"
3. fasting is how we amplify our prayers
4. fasting is part of the Christian life
Illustration #1: Corporately praying over Logan Liuzzo