Sunday Mar 13, 2022
REVIVE: Broken people seeking a faithful God — Seeking God through prayer.
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 5 + Acts 12 (Matthew 5:1-2 & 5; 6:5-8; 7:7; Acts 1:8; 10:9, 19, 30-31, 37-39 & 44; 11:21; 12:1-9 & 16; James 5:15; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 8:26 & 28; Deuteronomy 1:30; Lamentations 3:22-23; Luke 4:18)
Have you ever prayed and you felt like nothing was happening? You are in a tight pour your heart out before God, and nothing changes or at least, it seems this way.
The truth is, prayer is powerful and prayer makes a difference. God works through prayer in ways we can't see! God works through prayer to do what man cannot do! Just like the song says, "Even when I don't see it, You're working!"
God taught us some really important principles concerning prayer. One of them is that He hears and works through our prayers! To help us understand this God gave us a visual in Acts 12. When we seek God through prayer, God responds in big ways!
When we pray....
I. We are inviting God into our circumstances
II. God goes to work in ways we can't see
III. God does what man cannot do
A. the power of prayer goes beyond our reach
B. the power of prayer brings hope
C. the power of prayer breaks bondage
D. the power of prayer opens doors
IV. God builds our faith through answered prayer