Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 63:1-2 (Isaiah 55:6; 1 Chronicles 16:11; Psalms 9:10; 63:1-2; 121:1-2; 2 Chronicles 7:14; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; Matthew 6:6; Jeremiah 29:13)
Can you feel it? Can you feel the spiritual condition of the world around us? To be honest, it is not just the condition of the world around us, but the condition of our own hearts. Is it possible that we could be so used to going through the motions of the Christian life that we have slowly adapted to a powerless and passionless life? Are we missing something? Could God be shaking us right now to awaken His people to the life, passion, and power that we were created to live out? What if we stopped, listened, and responded?
This world might be in a mess right now, but God is not finished! We might be broken, but our God is still faithful! God greatly desires to REVIVE His people to the power and purpose that we were created to accomplish. Together, let’s take a journey to seek God and ask Him to Revive our hearts!
If we truly desire to revive our hearts then we must be willing to take action steps. The Bible is filled with the phrase, "seek the Lord" and "seek His face." This is a passionate pursuit to know Him and to be in His presence.
If you are saved, then you have God in your life. But this is just the beginning!!! He wants you to know, really know Him and experience so much more!
REVIVE: Broken people seeking a faithful God
Seek Him.
I. Seeking requires an awakening
II. Seeking God is a pursuit
A. it requires a shift in priorities
B. it requires action
--- 1. Do you spend time in personal prayer?
--- 2. Do you seek Him in His Word?
--- 3. Do you seek Him when you come to church?
III. Seeking God brings us into His presence and power