Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Psalm 13:1-3 (1 Samuel 18:5-9 & 29; 19:1; 20:1; 22:1-2; Psalm 10:1; 13:1-3; 145:18)
We love going to church and singing songs about God's power and presence in our life, but have you ever gone through a time when the song's lyrics don't match what you are going through? Have you gone through things in life and thought, "Where are you God?" If you haven't thought about things like this, you might be lying to yourself.
David, in the Bible, was a man that loved God with all his heart, but in Psalm 13 he was getting real with God....he was questioning God. He was about to have a breakthrough in his situation, but he first had to be real with his emotions. If we want to experience real hope in our circumstances, then we must be real and honest. There is real hope for Real Life!