Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Acts 1 (Revelation 3:16-17 &19; 2 Timothy 3:1; Acts 1:1, 8 & 14; 2:38, 44 & 47; 6:7; 17:6; Matthew 4:19; 16:18; Luke 11:1; Proverbs 29:18)
Our hearts break every time we hear of a school shooting or another person that we love that is diagnosed with cancer. It reminds us that this world is hurting and broken. We are divided by politics, struggling with the economy, and searching for answers.
There is hope in the midst of all this, it's called the church! God has placed the church in the midst of this broken world to bring hope! The world is a mess, but remember, We were made for this!
"The Church Must Continue"
The Early Church...
1. was Spirit filled
2. was united
3. made prayer a priority
4. focused and preached truth
5. was a family
6. had vision
We will fail...
1. if we compromise
2. if we are divided
3. if we lose our vision
Illustration #1: Church for sale
Illustration #2: Pastor Tony Liuzzo's family several years ago
Illustration #3: Pastor Tony Liuzzo's family today
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