Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Jonah 2 (Jonah 1:9 & 15-17; 2:1-10)
Have you ever felt stuck? Like nothing is working out and you just want to give up? This is exactly how Jonah felt in chapter two…stuck!
The good thing is, God was at work! God uses the times that we feel stuck to get our attention. We might be waiting on God to change our situation, but God is working on us to change our hearts.
Series description: When we think of Jonah, we think of the guy that ran from God and got swallowed by a whale. There is nothing wrong with this thought, because it is what happened.
Have you stopped to think of why Jonah ran from God? He loved God, so why wouldn't he just obey. The truth is because Jonah struggled with something that we all struggle with in our daily lives. What is it? It is foundational to this story and we will expose it in this study!
Lesson 2 - Feeling stuck
This is how Jonah felt:
1. He was miserable
2. He was overwhelmed
3. He felt alone
4. He felt defeated
It's time for change!
I. Jonah restored his relationship
II. Jonah refocused his attention
III. Jonah renewed his mind
IV. Jonah removed his idols
V. Jonah surrendered his life