Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Jonah 4 (Jonah 4:1-11; Romans 8:28)
The book of Jonah does not end the way you would expect it to end.
After Jonah preaches to the city of Nineveh, they repent and turn to God. This sounds like a victory, but Jonah does not see it that way. Jonah gets angry with God for showing mercy to the enemy.
How do we respond to God when He does things we think is unfair? This study ends with Jonah learning a valuable lesson from God that applies to all of us.
Series description: When we think of Jonah, we think of the guy that ran from God and got swallowed by a whale. There is nothing wrong with this thought, because it is what happened.
Have you stopped to think of why Jonah ran from God? He loved God, so why wouldn't he just obey. The truth is because Jonah struggled with something that we all struggle with in our daily lives. What is it? It is foundational to this story and we will expose it in this study!
Lesson 5 - Angry with God
Why do we get angry with God?
I. We think that God doesn't get it.
God is giving Jonah an object lesson:
A. The Lord was helping Jonah understand through blessing him (by giving to him).
B. The Lord was helping Jonah understand by taking.
II. Because we think He doesn't care.