Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Ephesians 4 (Ephesians 4:1-12 & 16; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5; 11:1; Psalms 32:11; 37:23; 98:1-2 & 4; 149:1 Philippians 1:6; 2 Timothy 4:1-2; Romans 10:17; John 9:4; 15:15; Acts 9:15; Mark 16:15; Matthew 16:18)
We are all growing in the Lord, or at least, we should be...
Jesus called the disciple to "follow Him" and they began a journey. Their lives were changed. Through this journey with Jesus, they grew in their faith, worshiped God, developed deep friendships, used their gifts to serve Jesus, and they changed lives.
We are also on a journey. We are always taking next steps, because we never arrive. What are the spiritual steps that we taking as believers? What are the spiritual steps that we lead others to take as they follow God?
Jesus had a plan to make disciples! As we move forward, we must move forward with a plan!
FORWARD >> Forward with a Plan
Ephesians 4
Step 1 >> We worship together on Sundays.
Our purpose and plan:
1. To build lives through preaching.
2. To encourage each other through worship.
Step 2 >> We grow together in groups.
Our purpose and plan:
1. To build relationships through fellowship.
2. To help each other through teaching each other.
3. To care for people through connection.
Step 3 >> We serve together on ministry teams.
Our purpose and plan:
1. We help them discover their spiritual gift.
2. We all serve the Lord in ministry.
Step 4 >> We go together on a mission.
Our purpose and plan:
1. We help people find Jesus.
2. We help people follow Jesus.