John Sullivan (FBC Trustee + Deacon) - Galatians 1:11-17; Hebrews 1:1-7; 2:3
When the going gets tough, every Christian faces the temptation to return to old habits and ways of thinking. But what do you do when a whole church community wants to return?
In this study, we'll find that the author of Hebrews gives a simple but complex answer: "Don't look back; Jesus is better."
Don't Look Back: The Epistle to the Hebrews
Week 1
I. What the Gospel Is and Is Not
a. it IS NOT an offer
b. it IS an announcement
c. it IS news of a changed state
d. it IS a challenge to all other powers
II. The Epistle to the Hebrews
a. date
b. author
c. audience
d. message
III. Structure of the Epistle to the Hebrews
a. God is speaking to us in his Son.
b. Jesus is better than the Torah or the angels.
c. Jesus is better than Moses or the Promised Land.
d. Jesus is better than the priesthood.
e. Jesus is better than the sacrifices and superior to the Old Covenant.
f. Jesus is the fulfillment of everything to which the OT heroes were looking.
Illustration: The Priene Calendar Inscription