Sunday Jul 17, 2022
DIFFERENT: Because normal isn’t working (We believe sex is ONLY for marriage!)
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - I Corinthians 5 & 6 (1 Corinthians 1:3; 5:1; 6:9, 11 & 18-20; 7:1-2 & 8-9; Psalms 119:165; James 1:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Hebrews 13:4 & 17; Genesis 2:24-25; Matthew 26:41; 2 Corinthians 6:14)
Something that the world craves to have is peace. We desire to have that inward rest in our hearts. Paul explains to the church in I Corinthians why they were missing peace in their lives. They lived in a "do what you want" / "do what feels good" society and this mindset and lifestyle was creeping into the lives of God's people.
This robs us of peace because it goes against God's way and God's plans. We will hit on some deep rooted spiritual issues that have overcome our world today. If you are looking for peace and true joy, then we have to confront some things that are robbing blind of God's blessings.
DIFFERENT: Because normal isn't working!
We believe sex is ONLY for marriage!
I. Sex was created for marriage and marriage only
A. sexual acts outside of marriage are sin
B. God created sex as a bond for marriage
II. Sexual purity must be guarded
A. don't cross the line of sexual temptation
B. don't set yourself up for failure
III. Sexual sins can be forgiven