Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Matthew 16 (Matthew 4:19; 6:33; 16:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; Hebrews 10:25; 2 Timothy 3:1; Acts 2:46; John 4:4; Mark 16:15)
We are victorious through Jesus Christ! Right?
We say this all the time, but are we? Sometimes we don't feel this way because sin seems to be winning in our world today. Could it be that we feel as if we are losing because we are not embracing all that God has for us.
You can't win games from the bench and you can't win battles from the sidelines. We are not called to be benchwarmers, we are called to be warriors!
BENCHWARMERS: Combating the lies that take us out of the game!
Are you winning?
LIE: We should expect defeat because we are living in evil times!
Why does the church prevail?
I. The Church is God's people
A. people with a calling
B. people that are connected
C. people with conviction
II. The Church fulfills God's purpose
III. The Church stands in God's power
Version: 20241125