Calvin Houser (FBC Missionary, Philippines) - Acts (Acts 4:32-37; 8:22-26; 9:27-29; 11:19-24; 13:2-3; 15:36-41; Philemon 1:24; 2 Timothy 4:11)
Often we focus on the Pauls and Marks of the Bible. You ever think who encouraged and supported them? There may have never been a Paul or a Mark without a Barnabas.
Becoming like Barnabas
Becoming Like Barnabas
1. Step outside your comfort zone.
2. Serve from the heart.
3. See the best in people.
4. Speak life into people.
5. Stay encouraging always.
6. Seek the Lord before your ministry.
7. See the results over time.
1. Step outside your comfort zone.
2. Serve from the heart.
3. See the best in people.
4. Speak life into people.
5. Stay encouraging always.
6. Seek the Lord before your ministry.
7. See the results over time.
Conclusions: There may have never been a Paul or a Mark without a Barnabas. Someone may miss their potential without your encouragement! If you need encouragement - sow it! You will surely reap it in time!
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