
4 days ago
4 days ago
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Amos 1:1-3 (Amos 1:1-3; 3:13-15; 5:14-24; 9:1-5 & 11-15; 2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Kings 11-12; 14:23-27; Acts 7:37-43 & 51-53; 15:13-19)
How do we rightly interpret Scripture? In this lesson, we explore the foundational principles of biblical interpretation, focusing on the importance of context—literary, historical, cultural, and theological. Using Amos 1:1-2, we uncover how God’s Word speaks with authority and relevance, revealing His justice, mercy, and redemptive plan. Together we will learn how a proper understanding of Scripture equips us for obedience and deepens our passion for personal Bible study!
Series description:
In this 5-part Bible study, we will explore the powerful themes of justice and mercy in the book of Amos.
As we study, we’ll see how God’s justice and mercy work in tandem to fulfill His purposes in the world. We’ll also challenge ourselves to live righteously, advocate for justice, and extend mercy to those around us. Together, we’ll discover that when God’s people live in this way, we actively participate in His great plan of redemption and restoration. Join us as we dive into the call to reflect God’s heart for justice and mercy in our lives today!
Justice & Mercy: A Study in the Book of AmosLesson 6: An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
I. ContextA. Literary ContextB. Historical ContextC. Cultural ContextD. Big Picture Context
II. ContentA. PurposeB. Main Ideas & Themes
--- 1. God's Justice and Righteous Judgement
--- 2. God's Mercy and Faithfulness
--- 3. God's Heart for His People
Lesson 6 - Handout

7 days ago
7 days ago
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - James 2:14-26 (James 2:14-26; Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 5:22; 6:10; Matthew 9:36; 1 John 3:16-18; Hebrews 10:38)
This is a direct question: Is your faith dead or alive? We’d naturally say our faith is alive, but James gives us a clear picture of what real faith looks like. Faith, or having Christ, always leads to action. It's more than just knowing about God or talking about Him; it's about living out the character of Jesus Christ. Faith means Christ is alive in you, and if He is, it will be evident! Faith is like playing Jenga. You can talk a big game, but winning requires action. You can’t just look at it—you have to make a move! Faith is action!
Series description:
Who doesn’t enjoy playing board games? Many of us have fond memories of family game nights, filled with laughter, competition, and fun. At the heart of it, games are enjoyable because they often reflect real-life situations. We strive to win, get ahead, but like life, games come with ups, downs, setbacks, and challenges.
The book of James is full of practical wisdom for navigating everyday life. It addresses issues like trouble, conflict, the words we speak, anger, and how to live out our faith. In this study, we’ll use popular games as illustrations to explore the lessons James teaches. Come ready to take notes, follow along, and learn how to succeed in the game of life!
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Jenga — Faith in action!
James 2:14-26
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Jenga — Faith in action!
I. Is your faith dead?
A. do you talk about faith, but take no action?
B. do you respond to needs?
II. Is your faith real?
A. real faith obeys despite uncertainty
B. real faith challenges us all
Illustration #1: Someone playing Jenga
Illustration #2a: FBC Staff playing Jenga on a trip
Illustration #2b: FBC Staff playing Jenga on a trip
Illustration #2c: FBC Staff playing Jenga on a trip

Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Amos 9:8-15 (Amos 5:10-15; 9:8-15; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Romans 5:7-11; Titus 3:3-7; Matthew 3:7-12; Acts 15:1-19; Revelation 21:1-7; 22:1-5; 1 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; John 14:1-3; 1 Peter 1:3-14; Titus 2:11-15)
In this lesson, we explore God's promise of redemption and restoration, fulfilled in part through Jesus' death on the cross, and ultimately realized in His return. Through this passage, we see how God’s justice and mercy work together, offering hope not only for Israel, but for all who trust in Him. In light of this hope, we are called to live with faithfulness, urgency, and perseverance—pursuing justice, sharing the Gospel, and living as people who reflect God's kingdom until He comes again.
Series description:
In this 5-part Bible study, we will explore the powerful themes of justice and mercy in the book of Amos.
As we study, we’ll see how God’s justice and mercy work in tandem to fulfill His purposes in the world. We’ll also challenge ourselves to live righteously, advocate for justice, and extend mercy to those around us. Together, we’ll discover that when God’s people live in this way, we actively participate in His great plan of redemption and restoration. Join us as we dive into the call to reflect God’s heart for justice and mercy in our lives today!
Justice & Mercy: A Study in the Book of AmosLesson 5: "I Will Build!" - Resting in the Hope of Restoration
I. Who is the One Who Restores and Rebuilds?II. Who Are the People That Are Redeemed and Restored?III. How is the Restoration Described?IV. What Does This Hope of Restoration Mean for Us in the Present?
Lesson 5 - Handout

Sunday Mar 09, 2025
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - James 2:1-9 (James 2:1-9; 3:9; 5:13-14 & 16; John 15:12; Romans 2:11; 1 Peter 4:8-9)
Chess may not be everyone's favorite game. Honestly, most people probably prefer checkers. Chess requires thinking ahead, understanding the role and limits of each piece, strategizing, and being two steps ahead of your opponent. In our eyes, the queen holds more value because she has more power and mobility. We rely on our knights, so we protect them. But when it comes to pawns, we don't mind if they get taken. Sometimes, we even see pawns as obstacles in our way. We assign different values to our chess pieces based on what they offer us.But is this the same with the people in our lives? Do we value people differently? Of course, we have those we are closer to, but this isn't just about relationships or bonds. The reality is, God created us all, died for all, and loves us all. As Christians, our mission is to not play favorites but to ensure the world knows that every person matters to God.
Series description:
Who doesn’t enjoy playing board games? Many of us have fond memories of family game nights, filled with laughter, competition, and fun. At the heart of it, games are enjoyable because they often reflect real-life situations. We strive to win, get ahead, but like life, games come with ups, downs, setbacks, and challenges.
The book of James is full of practical wisdom for navigating everyday life. It addresses issues like trouble, conflict, the words we speak, anger, and how to live out our faith. In this study, we’ll use popular games as illustrations to explore the lessons James teaches. Come ready to take notes, follow along, and learn how to succeed in the game of life!
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Chess — Every person matters!
James 2:1-9
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Chess — Every person matters!
I. It matters to God how we treat people
II. We are to treat people with value
III. People ought to experience Jesus through us
--- A. we look to Jesus as our example
--- B. we are to love like Jesus
Illustration #1: Logan Liuzzo playing chess
Illustration #2: Chess pieces

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Amos 7:10-17 (Amos 1:2; 3:8; 7:10-17; 1 Peter 4:12-13; Matthew 5:11-16; 28:18-20; 1 Peter 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:16-18; 2 Corinthians 4:3-18; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Romans 1:14-16)
Amos' unwavering commitment to God's calling in the face of deception, discouragement, and distractions provides a powerful example of faithfulness. Despite opposition from Amaziah, he remained steadfast, relying on God's divine calling and the authority of His Word. In this lesson, we will be challenged to embrace our calling with courage, stand firm in the truth, and trust that God equips and sustains those who faithfully proclaim His message.
Series description:
In this 5-part Bible study, we will explore the powerful themes of justice and mercy in the book of Amos.
As we study, we’ll see how God’s justice and mercy work in tandem to fulfill His purposes in the world. We’ll also challenge ourselves to live righteously, advocate for justice, and extend mercy to those around us. Together, we’ll discover that when God’s people live in this way, we actively participate in His great plan of redemption and restoration. Join us as we dive into the call to reflect God’s heart for justice and mercy in our lives today!
Justice & Mercy: A Study in the Book of AmosLesson 4: "Go!" - Embracing the Call of God On Our Lives
I. Opposition to the Calling of God--- A. false accusations--- B. discouraging words--- C. tempting distractionsII. Faithfulness to the Calling of God--- A. an acknowledgement of a divine calling--- B. a dependence on the Word of God
Lesson 4 - Handout

Sunday Mar 02, 2025
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James (Simon Says — Be a doer!)
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
Sunday Mar 02, 2025
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - James 1:19-22 (James 1:19-25; Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12; Luke 6:38; Psalms 23:3; Matthew 7:26-29)
Many of us remember playing the game "Simon Says" as children. The rules were simple: follow the leader, Simon, only when he says "Simon says." If Simon didn't say it, we didn't do it. But today, we aren't talking about "Simon says" — we're talking about what God says. In the book of James, we’re given straightforward instructions for living a successful life: just do what God tells us to do. We may be good at going to church and hearing God’s word, but it only works if we actually put it into practice.
Series description:
Who doesn’t enjoy playing board games? Many of us have fond memories of family game nights, filled with laughter, competition, and fun. At the heart of it, games are enjoyable because they often reflect real-life situations. We strive to win, get ahead, but like life, games come with ups, downs, setbacks, and challenges.
The book of James is full of practical wisdom for navigating everyday life. It addresses issues like trouble, conflict, the words we speak, anger, and how to live out our faith. In this study, we’ll use popular games as illustrations to explore the lessons James teaches. Come ready to take notes, follow along, and learn how to succeed in the game of life!
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Simon Says — Be a doer!
James 1:19-22
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Simon Says — Be a doer!
Being a doer:
I. Doing starts with hearing
A. the Word of God is our final authority
B. the Word of God is our instruction
C. the Word of God gives life
II. Doing is obedience
III. Doing brings blessings
Illustration #1: Facebook Marketplace ad for Treadmill
Illustration #2a: Man running on treadmill
Illustration #2b: Man running on treadmill
Illustration #3: Facebook Marketplace ad for Treadmill
Illustration #4: Man looking in a mirror

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Biblical Advice for Married Couples (Marriage Night - 2025)
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Thomas Shepherd (Senior Pastor, Crosspointe Baptist Church) - 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 (1 Corinthians 7:1-5; 10:12; 1 Peter 5:8; Colossians 4:6)
Listen as Pastor Thomas Shepherd provides 'Biblical Advice for Married Couples' from 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, exploring the spiritual, sexual, and special aspects of marriage, along with the importance of communication, to offer practical wisdom for strengthening relationships based on God's Word.
Biblical Advice for Married Couples
1. Spiritual Aspect
A. attitudes
B. actions
2. Sexual Aspect
A. sexual desires are not evil
B. sexual expression outside of marriage relationship is evil
- there is a debt
- there is a devotion
- there is a demand
3. Special Aspect
A. there must be closeness
B. there must be communication

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Amos 5:24-27 (Amos 2:11-12; 4:1; 5:1-10-15 & 21-27; 6:1 & 3-6; 7:12-13; 8:4-6; Luke 1:51-53; James 4:5-10; Psalm 97:98-105; Leviticus 23:22; Deuteronomy 15:11; Luke 4:16-21; Matthew 25:31-40)
What is the heart of God for His people?Chapters 5 and 6 of Amos present a striking contrast. On one side, we see God’s desire for His people—to live in obedience and serve as agents of His justice, righteousness, and mercy in the world. On the other, we see the life we are naturally drawn to—one of apathy, indifference, and self-rule, where we do as we please.
As we journey through these verses, may we be challenged to reject the life of sin, indifference and apathy, and to instead embrace God’s heart for His people. This is how we bring real change to the world!
Series description:
In this 5-part Bible study, we will explore the powerful themes of justice and mercy in the book of Amos.
As we study, we’ll see how God’s justice and mercy work in tandem to fulfill His purposes in the world. We’ll also challenge ourselves to live righteously, advocate for justice, and extend mercy to those around us. Together, we’ll discover that when God’s people live in this way, we actively participate in His great plan of redemption and restoration. Join us as we dive into the call to reflect God’s heart for justice and mercy in our lives today!
Justice & Mercy: A Study in the Book of AmosLesson 3: "Let it Roll!" - Understanding God's Heart for His People
I. People of Sincere Faith and Worship, Not HypocritesII. People of Humility, Not PrideIII. People Who Love God’s Truth, Not Who Resist ItIV. People Who Hate Sin, Not Who Tolerate ItV. People of Compassion and Generosity, Not Indifference and Greed
Lesson 3 - Handout

Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Children of Light
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Pastor Bryce Copeland (Student Pastor) - Ephesians 5:1-21 (Ephesians 4:21-24; 5:1-21; Matthew 5:14)
Is there a more radical difference than the difference between light and darkness? -- Darkness hides, light reveals. Darkness is confusing, light is clarifying. Darkness is hopeless, light is hopeful. Darkness shows no path, light reveals the way. In Ephesians, Paul calls those who follow Jesus "children of light." What does this mean? Let's find out together!
Children of Light
3 ways to cover your light
1. sexual immorality and impurity
2. greed
3. inappropriate speech
12 ways to share your light
1. walk in love
2. practice goodness
3. practice righteousness
4. share the truth
5. abstain from fruitless works of darkness
6. shine light in the darkness
7. redeem the time
8. understand the will of the Lord
9. live spirit filled
10. worship God
11. practice thankfulness
12. submit to one another in the fear of Christ

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Amos 4:12-13 (Amos 1:1; 2:6-12; 3:1-2; 4:12-13; Romans 1:18-21; 2:11-16; 14:11-12; Isaiah 33:22; 45:18-25; Hebrews 5:12-14; 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15; 2 Peter 1:1-11; Deuteronomy 7:6-11; 1 Peter 2:9-12; Matthew 5:14-16; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10)
Humanity is rebellion against God and His authority. We do not want to answer to God or submit to Him, but the truth is that we are accountable to God!
As we study this part of the book of Amos, we will be reminded that God is the Judge that all people everywhere must answer to! We will also be challenged to embrace our calling as God’s people, commit to a life of faithfulness to God, and to be on guard against our natural tendency toward apathy, indifference, and hypocrisy!
We are accountable to God, and that has profound implications for the way we should live our lives and interact with others! We need to get ready to meet our God!
Series description:
In this 5-part Bible study, we will explore the powerful themes of justice and mercy in the book of Amos.
As we study, we’ll see how God’s justice and mercy work in tandem to fulfill His purposes in the world. We’ll also challenge ourselves to live righteously, advocate for justice, and extend mercy to those around us. Together, we’ll discover that when God’s people live in this way, we actively participate in His great plan of redemption and restoration. Join us as we dive into the call to reflect God’s heart for justice and mercy in our lives today!
Justice & Mercy: A Study in the Book of AmosLesson 2: "Get Ready!" - Understanding Our Accountability to God
I. God Judgement Against the Unbelieving WorldA. God is the only GodB. God is the law-giverC. God is the just judgeII. God’s Judgement Against His PeopleA. God’s saving workB. God’s calling for His people
Lesson 2 - Handout

Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - James 1:19-21; 4:7-10; 5:16; Numbers 12:9; Ephesians 4:26; Proverbs 14:16-17; 29:22; 31:28; 1 John 1:9; Galatians 5:16, 19-20 & 22-23; Psalms 141:3
Did you know that anger isn’t a sin? It’s a natural, human emotion we all experience. The issue isn’t getting angry—it’s when we blow up. When we lose our temper, we say things we regret and hurt those around us. James addresses this issue directly, pointing out the damage it can cause, but also offering hope for overcoming it. It’s okay to feel angry, but let’s learn how not to blow up!
Series description:
Who doesn’t enjoy playing board games? Many of us have fond memories of family game nights, filled with laughter, competition, and fun. At the heart of it, games are enjoyable because they often reflect real-life situations. We strive to win, get ahead, but like life, games come with ups, downs, setbacks, and challenges.
The book of James is full of practical wisdom for navigating everyday life. It addresses issues like trouble, conflict, the words we speak, anger, and how to live out our faith. In this study, we’ll use popular games as illustrations to explore the lessons James teaches. Come ready to take notes, follow along, and learn how to succeed in the game of life!
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Angry Birds — Don't blow up!
The Games of Life: A Study in the Book of James
Angry Birds — Don't blow up!
How to stop blowing up...
I. See the damage you are causing
II. Humble yourself
--- A. confess your anger to God
--- B. make things right with others
III. Be controlled by the Spirit
IV. Make changes in your life
Illustration #1: Sketch of Angry Birds concept
Illustration #2: Angry Birds Game

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - Amos 1:1; 5:4-6 & 10-13; 7:14-15; 8:1-2; 2 Kings 14:23-27; Romans 5:7-11
In this introductory lesson, we will take a broad look at the Book of Amos to provide the essential context for our study. We will be introduced to Amos, God’s devoted prophet, explore the challenging period in Israel’s history in which he prophesied, and consider how God’s mercy and justice work together to fulfill His purposes in the world.
Series description:
In this 5-part Bible study, we will explore the powerful themes of justice and mercy in the book of Amos.
As we study, we’ll see how God’s justice and mercy work in tandem to fulfill His purposes in the world. We’ll also challenge ourselves to live righteously, advocate for justice, and extend mercy to those around us. Together, we’ll discover that when God’s people live in this way, we actively participate in His great plan of redemption and restoration. Join us as we dive into the call to reflect God’s heart for justice and mercy in our lives today!
Justice & Mercy: A Study in the Book of AmosLesson 1: An Overview of the Book of Amos
1. Study Goals2. Authorship3. Date & Setting4. Genre5. Theme6. Outline7. Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 - Handout